Personalized medicine requires personalized diagnostics. As the impact of the deep molecular characterization of cancer and other diseases is translated into clinical management of patients a new wave of molecular diagnostic tools are emerging. Dr. John Bartlett’s research is focused on the development of novel diagnostic approaches to stratified medicine predominantly in breast and prostate cancer. By deep molecular analysis across large clinical cohorts, linked to mechanistic understanding of pathways driving therapeutic resistance, he is developing and validating novel approaches to molecular diagnostics in cancer. These novel approaches will increasingly enable a personalized or stratified treatment approach, in the clinical setting, for cancer patients across Ontario and beyond.

Program Director, Diagnostic Development, OICR

Honorary Professor, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh

Provincial Principal Investigator, Ontario Tumour Bank

Affiliate Scientist, University Health Network, Toronto

Professor (Status-Only), Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto

He is the author of over 125 papers. Dr John Bartlett is also involved in the TRANSBIG research network and in scientific working groups as part of the Breast International Group (BIG) network.